keyser (
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 18:53:26 +0100 (CET)
----- Doorgestuurd bericht van It's Activate anarchist zine <> ----- Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 05:12:16 PST From: It's Activate anarchist zine <> Reply-To: It's Activate anarchist zine <> Subject: Squat interview To: Hi I am part of an anarchist group for young people in Australia. I would like an interview with you about the squatting movement in Amsterdam and the rest of Europe to help educate our members. Squatting in Australia is rare and for political reasons even rarer. If you would like to do an interview the please get back to me. Yours James B (Activate Anarchist Network) --ACTIVATE---- --ACTIVATE---- "Youze are mad cunts" - kid from Marrickville High Fuck all governments our address is Activate, PO Box 503, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia. Do you hate being told what to do? ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ----- Einde van doorgestuurd bericht ----- ---------------------------kraken-------------------------------- Adminstrator: Over kraken zie: Krakenmail op www: 'How-To' Kraken-post: *** to get english help:
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