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Date: 08/15/00

   I am representing of the coallition ( who are attempting 
to mobalise actions and resistance to the IMF and world bank conferences 
in Prague,  which are taking place in septmeber 22-28 this year.
We are planning a seven day festival of resistance,  which will include: 
 Arts of Resistance Festival ( a festival which will include techno parties,
 hardcore bands,  gallery exhibitions, public cinema, and generally bizzare 
stuffs,  and will also be used during the big street protests.)  A Political 
Counter Conference, which is organised (as everything here) at the grass 
roots level,  and will thus have speakers from Zapatistas, SemTerra etc,
 and also clever bastards such as Noam Chomsy.    There will be demos and 
street protests all week,  alongside plenty of autonomous direct actions,
 sabotage, blocakades, power cuts,  performed by people from all round europe 
and beyond.
On septmeber 26 (S26),  all those in Prague will lead the world into another 
So far we have confirmed actions taking place in over 40 countries.  (
Estimates vary about how many protesters will come to Prague,  some in the 
mainstream media say
50, 000,  and, although we are a litlle more modest, there will undoubtably 
be a shit load of us there!
Why do    I write this then?  Well,  a request has come from Prague for 
solidarity fom the Dutch squatters.   Many of the Czech activitst have been 
in A*dam,  and several of us inetrnational brigade live or have lived in 
the Netherlands.  We are all amazed by the dedeictation and organisation 
of the movement,  and basically, there is consensus that people here know 
what thier about, how to Kraak a squat,  how to defend a squat, and how 
to organise a longer term squatting movement,  that can grow and become 
a genuine political force.
We woulkd like as many sprekuers, breakers, barricaders, defenders, contenders,
 all round 
mal- contenters, to organise and come to Prague in septmber,  in order to 
help us kraak several warehouse spaces, which we can then defend and use 
as places for all the visiting protesters to stay,  for spaces where we 
may all prepeare for the demos, places for the concerts etc  basically safe 
autonomous zones.   With a longer term view,  the Czechs have expressed 
a desire for some lessons on how in the following years they might take 
lessons from the dutch kraaking model, and build a stronger movement. ( 
for example there only are two squats in Prague at the moment,  and both 
are facing imminent eviction).

So.....I will leave it here.     All those interested can reply to this 
address......or,  ideally,  talk about it with each other and then email 
the contact address on the INPEG website  and say..."this this this and 
this )

Time is important,   only an month and a bit to go.

In solidarity 
(CiA cafe)

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