From: squatter (
Date: 04 November 18:14 uur
3 November 2000
Aspire has re-opened!!
And guess what it is in the same place as last time!! (church on woodhouse
lane just down the hill from the university (second church down on the right
to be a bit more precise)
The collective entered the building yesterday and have already been taken to
court. The university claimed that the electrics were dangerous and so they
didn't have to give the collective notice to prepare the case.
Latest news from the court is that the judge has decided that there is no
problems with the electrics (the collective took along an electitcian) but is
now looking for a reason to evict and will be back to us soon.
Aspire will be open for the next three days. Events (that I know of are as
Call this number for the latest information 07867 922522
Friday 3rd
Drop in for lunch and hang out for the afternoon - decorating,
banner-making, cooking, talking...
17.15 Critical Mass bike ride, meets City Squre, ends at A-Spire
19.00 Discussion with Dutch activists about actions at the Climate
Summit in Den Haag, in two weeks.
20.00 Chumbawamba, followed by (in no particular order) Casino
Volante, Dog on a Rope, Duncan Millard, APB, Kakadabu
Saturday 4th
Bring skills & stories to share with others. All day there will be opportunities
to: look at displays, cook, make stuff, create a House of Commons out of
cardboard boxes for later burning, surf the web, read, watch films, write,
clean, drink tea, make a banner, decorate the venue, hang out, play games,
wash up, garden and workshops in: web-site design, using a camcorder,
DJing, music technology, break-dancing, creating your own publication
Evening - Sunday: dance the night away to Cabbage & Templehead
Sunday 5th
Afternoon: Films, discussions, homeopathic first aid workshop, continued
banner-making, house of commons building, etc.
Evening: Bonfire, open mic/acoustic night (bring yer stuff)
Help needed to clear out on Monday.
See you there ;-)
If you're really confused and want to see what happened last time click here.
Sorry if the presentation of this site is a bit crap but I've better things to do