Fw: voor politie the major-general in zeist


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From: Redaktion Legalize! Wiesbaden (redaktion@legalizewiesbaden.de)
Date: 04 Dec 2002 16:49 uur


forgive me to spam around. I got this mail down under
but I don't get into it. But it doesn look like those
usual spams. So may be you have an idea...

Bedank en groeten


----- Original Message -----
From: "ABDESLAM ERROUBAI" <erroubai.abdeslam2@caramail.com>
To: <hal@legalizewiesbaden.de>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 2:15 AM
Subject: voor politie the major-general in zeist

Madam, sirs, the major-general of the politie of zeist,
with my big respects of your colaboration in the rights of
the Dutch woman, further to goods(articles) governmental of
the human rights, I am Moroccan Erroubai abdesalam, father
of Erroubai samira, grutollaan 59, zeist 3704 xl telefoon (
0 ) 61473654, my complaint to you asks for my daughter to
receive his papers from blijven further to his rights from
it régle, the politie of zeist refuses to deliver its (
vergunin) and my lived daughter the holland for 6 years,
entered with her husband, viza BNL1426819 on 08.11.1996,
received its ( vrgunin) in zeist 16763801 on 13.11.1997, my
daughter delivered in the hopital of zeist by cesariènne,
fachtali yasmina gemeente 100568 the 15.09.1997, after its
divorce in 09.08.2000, studied in hallandaise language,
later it works for 15 months ( vaast ) until now, then I
wonder why one give them his(her) rights, and for it his
(her) lawyer sir, kawach, In Amsterdam be going to
colaborer with you, thank you to write I in language
eng .tankh you voor alas man in vraw in nederland tot sis .
Gagne une PS2 ! Envoie un SMS avec le code PS au 61166
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 [Op 04 Dec 16:00u.: 230 abonnees]



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