Kraken-post: steun gevraagd voor kraakpand in wroclaw

steun gevraagd voor kraakpand in wroclaw


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From: schuurman (
Date: 27 Jan 2002 14:52 uur

Het volgende werd me opgestuurd uit Polen met het verzoek om verdere
verspreiding. Naar het schijnt heeft het sturen van steunverklaringen vanuit
het buitenland wel degelijk effect. Verder werd gevraagd of dit verhaal ook
op squatnet kon worden geplaatst, als dat nog niet was gebeurd.


The autonomus cultural center "FREE DOM" from Wroclaw (Poland) is facing
troubles from the local government. The support is needed to keep the
center, where a lot of cultural and social activities are going on.


The prehistory of "FREE DOM" ("dom" means in Polish "house") begins in the
middle of 90', when the group of friends squatted small house near the
center of Wroclaw (called "REJON 69"). During 3,5 years the group form a
small comunnity and organised many cultural & political events (like punk
concerts and festivals, regular food not bombs, demonstrations). In 1999 we
had to leave this building and we squatted the next building.
Unfortunately it lasted only 2 weeks. Anyway we organised there "Eviction
party" (concerts connected with spectacles and games for children), which
showed the support of local (Jewish) community and made the "questions of
squats" present in the media - first time on such a level.
Owing to the big campaign, in the september 2000 we get the building for the
cultural activity from the local authorities. It was quite devastated and we've
spent almost a year on repairs. We called it "FREE DOM".

Counter-Cultural activities of the "FREE DOM"

The activites in the house began in the spring of 2001 with a new
alternative library, space for the anarchist black cross, and cinema and
concert rooms with
acts like; Citizen Fish, Catharsis, Sin Dios, Tragedy, and many many others.
There is now a info cafe, dark room, serography space, art gallery
exibitions and every Sunday there is Food not Bombs which gives squaters a
chance to give food and eat together with local homeless people and speak to
the community people.

Activities with local community

Many things we do is to have contact with the local people it is a cultural
"community" center after all with the purpose of taking care of the local
issues. We plan to start a local newspaper to give out independent
information as well as promote anti-capitalist ideas and alternatives to
capitalism, and give more possiblittes for community involvement. We've
started activites with the city kids which have started to become part of
the house. Together with their parents we held parties and childerens feasts
with games and painting. Also in the plan is to begin an "after school"
program where they can get help with homework and spend their time with some
creative activites like juggling, theater, photography workshops etc.

Cooperation with other cultural centers

The idea and function of the Cultural center is to be the place where people
can come, and without money realise non profit projects, ideas, or just have
a place to meet. This house is the only legal place like this in the city.
But - we cooperate with the squatters groups from the city. Now there are 2
squats and
one wagenburg in Wroclaw - we are in close contact with this groups, we've
tried to give them support, when they had problems with police (eg. Kromera
- one of the squats was evicted and reoccupied after 2 months, owing to
large campaign it exist until today).
We cooperate also with other squats and autonomous groups from Poland - last
November we've hosted persons from dozens of Polish autonomous groups on the


Polish squatters used to have problems with police. There is not any good
squatters laws, police is often agressive and works outside of law in the
contacts with squatters. "Free Dom" as a legal center doesn't have such a
troubles. But our activity is also not acceptable for many politics from the
local government - eg. Food Not Bombs, contacts with children. Instead of
they use the fact that we are legal: we have to fullfill many rules, ordered
by Fire Brigade, police, building inspectors. Many of these rules are absurd
and we can't fullfill them because we don't have enough money to pay bribes
(and we generally don't want to do it) and to make many reparations. We
can't organise any cultural events, if we don't fullfill it and we can be
kicked out from the building.

So - much support for us is needed - especially from abroad. When the local
government see, that some groups and individuals from abroad supports us, it
will help us very much in negotations. They must feel that we are not alone!
You can send the letters with support (the best solution is to write few
sentences in English and in your native language) to the following addresses: - city goverment - president of the city -building inspectors

Fire Inspection: Fax: +48 71 329 21 88
City Goverment (Wroclaw) Fax: +48 71 344 78 29

We need also money for the repairs, lawyer, architect, etc... so if you want
to help us financially, please contact us.

Our address:
ul.Jagiellonczyka 10 d
50-240 Wroc³aw (Poland)

(for more informations about our group and activities - write us an email,
we will send you it)

---- Example of the support letter

I support the existence of cultural center "Free dom", placed on
JAGIELLONCZYKA 10d, WROCLAW. I think that the activitiy of "Free Dom" is
important for the alternative culture in Poland. Such centers exist also in
many countries all over the world. They should be supported and not blocked!


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