From: flip (
Date: 12 Feb 2003 21:33 uur
Als afwisseling op al het amsterdamse geruzie:
Pandje in Timisoara, Roemenie dat hulp en spullen kan gebruiken.
Voor het geval dat er nog eens iemand die kant op gaat...
from <>
Avanpost, a squat in timisoara romania!
Soon the first squat in romania will be open.
The building is as ex-electricity generator, which now is empty for
some time now. A peintor from timisoara had some agreements
with the electricity company, and after having some discussions he
agreed to let us use the building. The building is pretty small and
there aren’t a lot of things that you can do inside, but it will be
probably space for meetings, some people might live in the tower,
space for exibitions and also for the ifoshop/library. For the
moment we can’t say the squat exists because there is noone
living there and there are no activities there. the building has no
electricity, heating, toilets, or water, because of it’s weird structure
and destination we will need to improvise all the things that are
needed for living inside. We apeal to you to help us with advices,
materials or money. We already started a campaign to gather
"useless" things around our houses and the city but there is need
for more help.
A camping toilet, travelling toilet (for car people)… untill we can
connect to the canalisation system and try to figure out more
"decent" and for a longer term toilets. Unfortunatelly the building is
somehow caught between the other building, in which people are
living, so the option of doing "our things" around the building is also
A metal door
A stair
Contruction/building materials (wood/paint/metal/cement….)
Matresses for future beds
A improvisated electricity sysem to take place to a "normal"
electricity system, untill we will be able to connect to one (for the
moment connecting to the electricity is not an immediate need for
us - because it will mean that we need papers and other stuff we
don’t need on our head now - we will use car/tractor batteries which
we will recharge, we will probably afford the recharging costs, but
money are needed for buying the batteries).
These are a few of the things we need there. Of course, we can get
some of them here, and even for free. But because of the bad
economic situation here most of the things are usually recicled but
most of the people, so not too many people throw things on the
streets. This is why some of the materials might be need for buying
them. But some of them could be very expensive here (no matter if
we talk about a mobile toilet -and this is the thing for which we refer
mostly here, for it’s very hard to get it here, and supposing we
would find one, it would be more expensive than in "west"- or about
other things). This is why we apeal to international solidarity to
gather some money/things for this place here. Somehow we figured
out a way to get the things from western europe in romania (though
it’s still not 100% sure) but there is also things (like the
construction material) wich we can find here cheaper, or free.
Because here the winter is still very active it’s impossible to start
with the preliminary work there, and so we just started the
campaign for gathering, materials, things, and money for the spring
when the action starts.
The building will have a major role in the organisation of the
noborder camp in june in timisoara, and also in connecting better
the people in the anarchist//activist scene in timisora providing
them with a space to meet, work and develop.
Also, by creeating a precedent we hope that in the future, that’s
not faraway (we like to think and hope), there will be possibillity to
have another squat, a bigger one capable to sustain more people
than this one.
Hopefully we will be able to tranform this place into an "office" of
people in the AActiv-ist Collective, a home for a few people and
also have it, as we said before, for exhibitions, workshops and
other activities that don’t require a big space.
AActiv-ist Collective is an anarchist group from timisoara and our
past actions included: food not bombs actions, banners (in
solidarity with genoa; against NATO), leaflets and apples action
against mcdonalds, poster campaign against NATO, libertarian
infoshop/library, publications, stencil and graffiti guerillas and other
small subvertisments that do no need to be written here, a small
anarchist bike carawan with radical music and literature for
distribution to a festival and others.
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[Op 12 Feb 21:00u.: 228 abonnees]