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[kraken] STUDIO301 RESTART!!!

Auteur: <>
Datum: 01 okt 2003 12:19 uur


After almost a year of enforced inactivity due to fire
safety problems and necessary renovation work on our
building at OT301 [ex-film academie], we are pleased to
announce that we will re-open our doors to the public from
1st October onwards. Only ground-floor spaces will be
accessible to the public while building work continues.
Academie Cinema will reopen beginning of November. Until
then, the Tuesday Series of documentary film screenings
will continue at Filmhuis Cavia.

Events programme is now online at.....

Details of Tuesday Series screenings are at.....

People and projects with ideas for performances or events
that they think could fit with our programme, or who look
for space for rehearsals, meetings, workshops, classes,
film screenings etc. are invited to contact for more information.

Some further info about the Studio301 project follows this.
Feel free to forward this message to anyone you think may
be interested.



Stichting Studio301 [formed September 2002] is responsible
for managing 3 multifunctional public spaces within OT301
- Studios1+2 on the ground floor and the Academie Cinema
on the 2nd floor - with the aim of developing and
maintaining a platform for [sub]cultural expression. Our
main focus is on presenting a diverse, high quality
programme of public events, often with an artistically
experimental or politically radical content, providing a
refreshing alternative to the increasingly commercialised
and complacent mainstream cultural scene within Amsterdam.


Studio1 is our main performance space, equipped with
sound, light and video projection systems, a technical
floor and flexible staging and seating arrangements making
it equally suitable for concerts, dance and theatre
productions, DJ nights or activist events.

Studio2 is used for a wide range of activities including
rehearsals, meetings, workshops and classes.

For bigger events, the double doors connecting the studios
can be opened up, creating a venue with a comfortable
capacity of 200.

Academie Cinema is a 90-seat cinema presenting a regular
programme of screenings ranging from abstract/experimental
work through independant/activist documentary films to
double and triple bills of cult classics.

Each space also has bar facilities, internet and cable TV


Our programme is a mix of regular "in-house" events and
special events, usually at weekends, which we arrange in
cooperation with local and international performers and

Regular events include......

• Kraakgeluiden - monday nights in Studio1.
A musicians' initiative providing an open stage for the
diverse improvisation scene in Amsterdam and attracting
many international guests. The events focus on the
integration of sound and visuals and regularly involve
musicians, video artists, film makers and dancers, mixing
combinations of people, instruments and technologies in
new and unusual ways, turning each Kraakgeluiden session
into a unique event.

• Documentary series - tuesday nights in Academie Cinema.
Thought provoking non-fiction film screenings, emphasising
work by filmmakers with a strong personal vision.

• Dope Selecta - thursday nights in Studio1.
Live radio bar nights hosted by DJ Koldun featuring
resident and guest DJ's mixing up the latest and the
greatest drum+bass, jungle, hip hop, ragga and dub soundz,
all with live MC's and Xelavision video image attack.

• Video Inferno - every other sunday in Academie Cinema.
Theme-linked double and triple bills of weirdness and wonder.

• Nacht Schade - monthly on full moon nights.
Expect the unexpected!

Up-to-date information about forthcoming events is
provided online at .....

Anyone with ideas for events they'd like to include in our
programme is invited to contact us with proposals or
requests for further information. We make every effort to
make access as simple and affordable as possible for all
programme ideas that fit in with our overall concept and
schedule. Our spaces are NOT available either for
all-night parties or for commercially-motivated or
corporate-sponsored events.

Our spaces and equipment are also available for hire at
low cost at times not reserved for preparation and
presentation of the public programme. Enquiries are always
welcomed about possibilities of using the spaces for
rehearsals, workshops, meetings, private screenings etc.
Opening hours are from 12:00 till 22:00 monday to friday.

Stichting Studio301
Overtoom 301,
1054 HW Amsterdam.
mailing list;

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1054 HW Amsterdam.
phone; 020 779 4913

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To subscribe to our mailing list and receive regular
updates of ot301 news and events, go to...

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ontvangsttijd Wed Oct 01 10:19:15 2003


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