(background: http://www.krakenpost.nl/archief/Sep/0162.html )
in case of (a threat of ) an illegal eviction it is best NOT to run out
the backdoor but to stay inside and get arrested as to force a legal
procedure, for example a a courtcase for 429.6/138 criminal law.
furthermore it is a lot of trouble to keep many politically conscient
prisoners in a cell , many forms have to be filled out, not to forget the
shortage of cells and the costs the state has to make. once people get
arrested it is good revolutionary practise to shut up and not even unveil
your identity which makes it extra trouble for them and protects the
'civil identity' of the activists
a second step is a more millitant resquatting of the place: make
sure that there is enough people to force a police presence requiring more
than the few cops from the station around the corner, and a lawyer ready
to defend the prisoners (if any).
the commotion created by both approaches lus a good press declaration and
an appearance at the commision for public order of your local council will
deter the cops from a similar approach in the future
sinds the decision of the ombudsvrouw in leiden
( http://squat.net/leidskraken/ombudsvrouw.htm ) the police or OVJ is more
or less forced to wait for courtcase against a decision to evict according
to criminal law.
more about criminal law and squatting can be found on
if you do not feel strong enough to do this with you local squatting
group, call in support from other neighbourhoods and cities
want samen staan we sterk!
On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Vince . wrote:
> It happened in South Rotterdam about 2 weeks ago. That was the whole
> point. We were evicted on illegal grounds, namely a fake rental
> agreement (which is illegal grounds even if it were real).
> M.
> Re: HAI
> Re:
> Re: when and were did all this happen ?
> Re:
> Re: please always let us know at least the city or village, could be that
> Re: someone has or wants more info.
> Re:
> Re: on what legal grounds did you get evicted ?
> Re:
> Re: kizziz
> Re: IAH
> --
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[06 Oct 22:00u]: 244 abonnees + 218 niet-abonnees
ontvangsttijd Mon Oct 06 20:53:18 2003
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