I’m from Barcelona. Next year (Janyary or February) I’ll
go to Utretch to study and live some mouths.
I’m trying to contact whith some squats (Ubica, acu) in
utretch. but they don’t answer me. Maybe the email are
wrong, maybe they don’t read my emails.
In barcelona I have done some activities and projects
about squatt and in squats. And then, I want to continue
my way of life in Utrech: squatting and making some
projects in squats.
If you know some people can helps me or you can help me to
squat or meet people to squat, please, write me an email
or here in indymedia.
Lots of thanks!!!
Seguro que te vas a enamorar apasionadamente
Correo enviado desde http://www.ozu.es
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[25 Nov 16:00u]: 255 abonnees + 286 niet-abonnees
ontvangsttijd Thu Nov 25 15:08:54 2004
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