Dit kregen we binnen maandag.
Iemand zin om te antwoorden?
CIA team
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Greetings !!!
From: "Roman" <ns_roman123@bezeqint.net>
Date: Mon, March 8, 2004 8:07 pm
To: <cia@squat.net>
my name is roman and i will be in amsterdam in the middle\end of march
and i am looking for squats in amsterdam... i'm really into meeting
local people and taking a look at the amsterdam hardcore\punk scene
(going to shows and such) I got your adress from a sqautting site... so
i would really like to hear from you soon... and could you please give
some info on your squat or other squats, and feel free asking me
anything ! waiting for a reply soon , Roman
-- CIA Infocafe voor al uw informatie en koffie en thee Infocafe geopend vrijdag-zaterdag-zondag van 12 tot 18 uur, met zondags kraakontbijt Kraakspreekuur Oost elke dinsdag tussen 20-21.30 uur, daarna borrel 3e Oosterparkstraat 166 huis Amsterdam-Oost email cia@squat.net website: squat.net/cia
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[10 Mar 16:00u]: 263 abonnees + 244 niet-abonnees
ontvangsttijd Wed Mar 10 15:23:01 2004
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