Ik was vergeten te melden hoe laat de
infoavond/vertoning begint...Namelijk om 20:00!!!
--- kra ker <zwartrood@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: > Namens
> Dinsdag 16 maart: Film vertoning, Terrorister en
> infoavond, Steun Maarten, in het Acu, Voorstraat 71,
> Utrecht. Gratis.
> Terrorister
> Artikel uit De Volkskrant over de vertoningen
> 28-2-2004:
> http://www.steunmaarten.org/volkskrant28-02-2004.htm
> Terrorister - en film om dom dömda / Terrorists -
> film
> about the kids they sentenced
> Lukas Moodysson and Stefan Jarl (Sweden 2003 85 min)
> in swedish with english subtitles
> A feature-length documentary, possibly focusing, at
> least in part, on the recent anti-globalisation
> protests in Gothenburg, Sweden and the alleged
> police
> misconduct during the protests. The first film to be
> made by the appeal group 'Swedish Film Workers for
> Peace and Freedom in an Independent Palestine'.
> Plotoutline: The synopsis for the film goes as
> follows: Terrorists – a film about the sentenced
> ones.
> But is this the whole truth? Critical voices are
> raised today who state that the lawlessness on the
> streets of Göteborg shade in comparison to the
> lawlessness during the continuing processes and that
> the following of the riots is a big court scandal.
> Who
> were the activists who went to Göteborg? How did
> they
> think and what were their view of the world? This
> was
> the questions the two film directors Lukas Moodysson
> and Stefan Jarl wanted to find out and travelled to
> the prisons to speak with the least heard, the
> activists, the until now 60 convicted who was
> sentenced to a total of 45 years in prison. It
> became
> a tumbling, provocative and exhausting meeting
> between
> the young activists and the two filmmakers.
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[14 Mar 22:00u]: 261 abonnees + 246 niet-abonnees
ontvangsttijd Sun Mar 14 21:25:03 2004
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