A glimpse on the kadastrale kaart will give you an idea what belongs to
your perceel and what not.
As far as court cases are concerned, it is always better if the owner has
to start one. This can be easily achieved by moving his fence to where you
think 'his' garden starts and threanening him with hell on earth if he
dares to infringe on liberated territory. I am sure the comrades (me included)
will help you enforce the borders.
'this land is my land, this land is your land...
was a great big wall there that tried to stop me
was a great big sign there, said 'private property'
but on the other side there it said nothing
this land is made for you and me'
(woody guthrie)
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Andrew Vincent wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have any info about the rights of squatters to the spaces
> (e.g. gardens) surrounding a squat?
> In particular the property on which our house is situated includes a three
> meter space, before the next property (currently an empty block). In the
> past we have used this space for storing bicycles and our access way to
> the street. Today the owner of both our house and the empty block has
> fenced off this region, informing us that he will be building on the empty
> block and that he will be using the three meters on our side of the
> property for storage of building material. We would like to start a court
> case against his actions. Does anyone have any information that may be
> useful?
> Thanks,
> Bewoners van Rapenburg 44
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ontvangsttijd Mon Sep 19 22:48:22 2005
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