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[kraken] info evening - discussion: anarchist economics

Auteur: decoy <>
Datum: 26 jul 2006 17:04 uur

The Myth of the Free Market - An Anarchist approach to modern Economics

The propaganda of vast multinational corporations and transnational
organisations like the WTO
or the World Bank are full of references to free markets and
unrestricted trade.
In fact, their aims have as much to do with free trade as the war in
Iraq has to do with weapons
of mass destruction or Osama bin Laden.
In a reactionary reflex, most of the left-wing (i.e. socialist)
discourse has revolved around
controlling the market. This ranges from social-democratic attempts of
redistribution of wealth
by the state, to downright state-control of the economy in communist

>From an anarchist point of view, state-control can not be considered a
viable option, though,
but neither can capitalist multinationals be the only alternative, as it
is told to us by their
representatives. On this evening we'll try to establish a framework for
an anarchist viewpoint
of contemporary economics and discuss it.

Issues on the agenda include:

- What's a (free) market anyway?
- Capitalist control of markets.
- The state as prerequisite for capitalism.
- Why money isn't necessarily a bad thing.
- How could Marxism go wrong?
- Success stories of anarchist economic practice


The evening will be split into part lecture and part discussion. The
lecturer holds a masters degree in economics and has done in-depth
studies of both neoliberal capitalism and Marxist/socialist economic
theory, guaranteeing a certain level of theoretical foundation. Still,
this is not a university lecture, so we will keep it understandable for
everyone and open for questions. In the discussion part you - the
visitors - can turn the tables and bring in your own thoughts, political
views and theories.

If you are interested in socio-political issues beyond living your life
from one day to the other, squatting houses and having a fight with the
police once in a while, then this could be interesting food for thought.

Date: Wednesday 2nd of August
Location: Joe's Garage Pretoriusstraat 28 Amsterdam Oost
Time: 20:00
Language: English (Dutch spoken but will be translated)

Tea, coffee, juice, beer and wine are available on location for very
reasonable prices.
Any revenue will go to good causes.

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