----- Forwarded message from be-part <wilderatheart@gmx.de> -----
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:03:55 +0200
From: be-part <wilderatheart@gmx.de>
Subject: Ungdomshuset needs your help !!!
Hello my friends!
As you might know, we are currently in a very tense situation with
Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen. We are at a point where we are not sure wether
the cope will come tomorrow and evict us or wether the politicians will
find a political solution to the problem and let us keep the house.
But enough about that - you can read more about it on www.ungdomshuset.dk
We are putting a lot of time into campaigning for the house and just came
up with a new project - but we need your help with it!
The cultural mayor in the city constantly states that "I just want
Copenhagen to be like any major European city". So, we want to show him
(and the people of copenhagen) that every bigger city in Europe has a
house like Ungdomshuset!
Our idea is to have a picture taken in front of a place similar to
Ungdomshuset (a squat, an alternative DIY venue etc.) where you can
clearly see the place, with a person holding up a sign saying (should
ofcourse be made out to fit your city... haha):
The 1 in 12 Club says:
Ungdomshuset Blir!"
We would then use it in our campaign. If people don't want to appear with
their face on the picture it's ok to mask yourself. But it would be best
if people are not masked.
Would you help us out in taking such a picture and send it to me?? The
best would be to send a good-resolution picture over the internet, but you
can also snail-mail a picture to me:
Christina Carlsen
Slotsgade 4, 3th
2200 Copenhagen N
I hope to hear from you all soon!!! And PLEASE be quick. We don't have
much time!
In struggle,
-- ___________________________________ "be part of the scene, not just the scenery" D.I.Y. - Information - Gigs - Distribution http://www.be-part.org http://www.myspace.com/bepart ___________________________________ ----- End forwarded message ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- Afmelden, e-mail: kraken-post-unsubscribe@dvxs.nl Opnieuw aanmelden: kraken-post-subscribe@dvxs.nl Online Archief: http://www.krakenpost.nl/archief [10 Oct 22:00u]: 258 abonnees + 397 niet-abonnees --------------------------------------------------------------ontvangsttijd Tue Oct 10 20:15:35 2006
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