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[kraken] Update on Genoa Court Case: 225 years of jail asked for 25 protestors

Auteur: Brunella <>
Datum: 24 okt 2007 17:06 uur


Update on Genoa Court Case: 225 years of jail asked for 25

Oct 2007 - Updates on Genoa Court Case
The prosecutors ask 225 years of jail for 25 protestors

Genoa court case are not ending tomorrow, but they are drawing to a close, an
people seems to have forgotten what Genoa meant and how big part of history we
have been when we decided to take the streets in those days of july 2001. While
the court cases against police officiers for the tortures in Bolzaneto and for
the raid in the Diaz school move slowly forward (one will be ending by the end
of the year and the other around summer 2008) towards meak convictions and
satute of limitations after the first court sentence, the court case against 25
protestors has seen this last weeks the prosecutors final speech.

In their speech the prosecutors Anna Canepa and Andrea Canciani frontally
attacked the protest in Genoa, asking 225 years of jail for the 25 people
accused of devastating and sacking the city on july 20th and 21st. The speech
of the prosecutors asks people to call Genoa events for what they were:
devastation, sacking, arson. They stated that at the same time the massacres
and the abuses of police should be prosecuted but never did themselves open an
investigation on the facts, and insisted that they should be kept out of the
court case against 25 protestors. The prosecutors actually said that people
decided to resist and that this fact should be sanctioned, since they should
have dispersed and eventually file a complain for the violence the police
In their speech the prosecutors tried to explain the judge that all of those
who were present in Genoa are equally responsible of the allegations, since
"moral responsability is even more crucial than material responsability for
Genoa events: if I inspire 20 people to throw a stone I should be hold more
responsible of devastation than if I threw five of them". This brings back
criminal codes to the middle age, where you were not supposed to actually have
done anything to be convicted. This is why some of the accused where asked to
be convicted to 6 years only because they are seen around the scenes of the
riots (not doing anything particular or in a lot of cases just putting some
trash bin in the streets to slow down police charges).

But this is not the worst part of the prosecutors speech, since they have been
reinterpreting Genoa to provide history with a clean and one-sided version of
the events: Police acted correctly and protestors are oversizing the abuses,
but the Truth is that they should have gone home and let the Summit be. The
prosecutor have been stating that the charge in via Tolemaide against the Tute
Bianche demo was fairly quick and not particularly violent, so it's not
understandable how protestors would complain constantly of "fearing for their
own life"; they have been saying that Carabinieri armored transport only
charged at full speed twice and that the barricades were made before this, so
protestors should not "fuss" about it being the reason for the vehicle attack.
They even came to minimize Carlo Giuliani's death, saying that there could have
been worse situation if the Carabinieri inside the soon-to-be-burned van were
not rescued by their colleagues.

Our history is being raped by two prosecutors who desperately want to show that
4 years of enquiry were useful (even if to justify their lies they misuse only
statements of the defense's witness) and that someone is responsible for what
happened in Genoa. They want to show off in the "trial that will change many a
ways to do court cases in Italy", at the expenses of 25 protestors like all of
us. If the judges will acknoledge the point of view of the prosecutors, and
convict 25 people to 6-16 years of jail, each one of us could be the next
culprit. Think of how many insults you have shouted during the g8 in genoa,
think of how many stones you have thrown, think of how much rage you felt while
you and your friends were beaten.

We agree only on one point with the prosecutor. Let's call Genoa 2001 for what
it was: it was a revolt and it was history and it was us. And that's why they
are scared and why they want to avoid that anybody will try again to take away
power from where it usually stands.

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