SPOK (speculan@dds.nl)
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 05:12:13 +0200
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Boligaksjonen Totusen <boligaksjonen@yahoo.no> Aan: SPOK <speculan@dds.nl> Datum: donderdag 9 september 1999 10:21 Onderwerp: Re: okkupasjonen > Voor de mensen die niks begrepen van de mail in het noors, de vertaling staat in de nieuwesrubriek van squat.net. Wellicht wil iemand die on lijn gaat 'm effe kutten en peesten. Hieronder een engelstalige reaktie van boligaksjonen 2000 > >Thanks for writing about us. We need all the support we can get. >The reason why we havn´t told you anything about our plans is, >ofcourse, that we didn´t want the police to stand outside the door >the day we occupied the house. > >Anyway, we have now okkupied the house and things is going very well. >The press are writing about us in a positive manner and the occupation >is strong. This morning we ate breakfast with the 1. candidate of the >Social-democratic party, Aase Klevland, the biggest opposition party in >Oslo. We don´t have very big expectations from a possible "socialist" >city-gouvernment but the fact that she vas there say something about >the position we have. > > >Good luck to you too. >Boligaksjonen 2000 >Stian Andersen > >=== >Boligaksjonen 2000 >http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/boligaksjonen >_____________________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Få din egen, gratis @yahoo.no-adresse på http://mail.yahoo.no -------------------------------kraken-------------------------------- Admin: kraken-post-admin@dvxs.nl Krakenmail op het web: http://squat.net/ascii 'How-To' Kraken-post: http://www.dvxs.nl/~kraken ***to get english help: mailto:posthelp@dvxs.nl ***
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