squatter (squatter@dds.nl)
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 18:08:00 +0200 (MET DST)
---------- Doorgestuurd bericht ---------- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:31:15 +0200 From: emer <emerzgr8@dds.nl Subject: adm festival Hello Squatters ! the adm is having a festival next saturday october 9th you can read mnore at http://www.contrast.org/adm/party.htm it would be great if you could spread the news via the squatters news page it's a combination effort of lots of woonwerkpanden in Amsterdam. thanks Emer -------------------------------kraken-------------------------------- Admin: kraken-post-admin@dvxs.nl Kraken op het web: http://squat.net/ascii Krakenmail archief op het web: http://www.dvxs.nl/~skwot 'How-To' Kraken-post: http://www.dvxs.nl/~kraken ***to get english help: mailto:posthelp@dvxs.nl ***
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