Kraken-post: nieuwe A-spire aktie: Squat Cafe 2000! (fwd)

nieuwe A-spire aktie: Squat Cafe 2000! (fwd)


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Date: 01 november 22:18 uur

na het succes van de kraakaktie van vorig jaar nu weer het een en ander in
de planning:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 08:33:17 -0000
From: Aspire <>
Subject: Squat Cafe 2000!

The A-Spire Collective presents:

from Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th November

New Venue

Last year, we ran a six-week long cafe & gig venue in an old church owned by Leeds University and used only for storage. It is our belief that space is public and should be used by the community to provide what it needs: space for being together, space to learn new skills, space for dancing, making music, creativity. If a space is not being used to its potential - take it back!

Opening on Friday lunchtime, call 07867 922522 (ansaphone) or look on the web-site ( from Friday morning to find the location. All food and entry to gigs is by donation. Bring stuff to share and have fun...

Friday 3rd
Drop in for lunch and hang out for the afternoon - decorating, banner-making, cooking, talking...
17.15 Critical Mass bike ride, meets City Squre, ends at A-Spire
19.00 Discussion with Dutch activists about actions at the Climate Summit in Den Haag, in two weeks.
20.00 Chumbawamba, followed by (in no particular order) Casino Volante, Dog on a Rope, Duncan Millard, APB, Kakadabu
Saturday 4th
Bring skills & stories to share with others. All day there will be opportunities to:
look at displays, cook, make stuff, create a House of Commons out of cardboard boxes for later burning, surf the web, read, watch films, write, clean, drink tea, make a banner, decorate the venue, hang out, play games, wash up, garden

and workshops in:
web-site design, using a camcorder, DJing, music technology, break-dancing, creating your own publication

Evening: dance the night away to Cabbage & Templehead

Sunday 5th
Afternoon: Films, discussions, homeopathic first aid workshop, continued banner-making, house of commons building, etc.
Evening: Bonfire, open mic/acoustic night (bring yer stuff)

Help needed to clear out on Monday.

See you there ;-)
