Volkskeuken Juni 21
19.00 vegan eten, 21.00 presentatie over G8 met fotos en filmpjes!
Recently protestors managed to blockade the G8 summit in Heilingedam, Germany. the
mainstream press published a lot of bullshit about the events there, tonight you can come
hear from people who were actually there what actually went on. They were on the Dutch
Indymedia bus, which at one point was illegally seized by the police.
More info here - http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2007/06/45234.shtml
This will be one of the last regular Braaksmaaks at the Groene Voltage before we stop for a
summer break. So come on down!!
Groene Voltage
Schieweg 61
Trams 20 and 25, stop vlaggemanstraat
10 minutes' walk from Centraal Station
ontvangsttijd Fri Jun 15 20:03:58 2007
Dit document staat op krakenpost.nl
voor de huidige en 11 maanden
het origineel blijft op skwot.dvxs.nl: